Door: Very Special

Door: Yosemite National Park Post Office
As I was walking around this area of the park, I happened to notice a tiny door with a big sign above it – POST OFFICE, Yosemite National Park, California. I had to take a picture of it. How many times in my life will I see a post office door with a sign like this? Once!

Norm 2.0 ….Thanks for the opportunity to post just doors.  Very nice.

…thank you for visiting my blog…until next time:)

Door – to talent!

“COME ON UP HERE!”…I heard the stage calling me. I just wanted to experience the massive space, up high, across from several hundred empty chairs. It was very quiet today. Suddenly, this small door opens (small compared to the greatness of this stage area), and I saw a woman walk on to where I was planning to go. My thoughts crushed! 🙂


An outdoor performing area at the Brevard School of Music, NC. An amazing place to be. I was honored to see this place. My son, among 180 young talents, was here for six weeks this past summer for an in-depth work on his music taught by brilliant musicians.

…For Norm’s 2.0…my DOOR contribution…

…thank you for visiting my blog…until next time 🙂


Door – A Busy One!

Street in Cusco, Peru, with sidewalk raised beside this huge door. Life goes on, beside this huge door, as usual, for the locals . As for me, who was there for a couple of days this past July, this door was stunning. I had to stop and take a moment to absorb what this was. A door for sure, a huge one too. But more than that, I was amazed by how these huge doors were just a normal part of these peoples daily lives! How wonderful. And, there were hundreds of these kind of doors in Cusco.

Connect: A Beautiful Thing!

So many points to connect! And, so many points to dis-connect.


Thanks to the Mexican Walls of House of Women, San Francisco.  I took this photo while in San Francisco last year.  I made a connection that day.  Photo 101, day 6.

…thank you for visiting my blog…until next time 🙂