Door – A Busy One!

Street in Cusco, Peru, with sidewalk raised beside this huge door. Life goes on, beside this huge door, as usual, for the locals . As for me, who was there for a couple of days this past July, this door was stunning. I had to stop and take a moment to absorb what this was. A door for sure, a huge one too. But more than that, I was amazed by how these huge doors were just a normal part of these peoples daily lives! How wonderful. And, there were hundreds of these kind of doors in Cusco.

Morning – it’s been beautiful!


Machu Picchu
I saw breathtaking mornings as I hiked among these peaks. The sun rose early in the mountains of Machu Picchu, Peru. I hiked for 4 days and 3 nights in these mountains. Amazing experience!


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