Doggy Photo Shoot Day #56

Sir Thomas’ companion for half his life. A good friend to him. This is Dixie. Dixie “Bella”! …with her toys.

As I walked Sir Thomas, my daughter, then 15, walked dogs as a volunteer at our local animal shelter.  I use to accompany her, per shelter rules,  until she was 16.   She walked many dogs.  I didn’t pay particular attention since I use to be busy walking Sir Thomas. 

This pup was returned to the shelter by her previous owners stating she was an aggressive one.  My daughter  walked this 1-year-old quite a few times  since its return.  And, the animal did not seem to be aggressive but scared, and walked timidly.  My young child found the statement by the previous owners to be far from accurate.  One day when she was at the shelter, she found out that this sweet  puppy was going to be put to sleep in the next seven days.  My daughter swiftly took action.  She spoke to her dad requesting him to come to the shelter and meet her furry friend.  Dad went, met, and brought this friend  home!  

Dixie looking inside. She is super gentle.

Really there was not much to say!  Dixie was home.  And, we suddenly were going to be parents of  two dogs.  A thought that never ever had crossed my mind!  Sir Thomas immediately recognized Dixie when she came home.  Both their tails wagged.  And, I knew it’ll all be okay.

Resting before Halloween rush begins…2019

My daughter was right!  This animal-being has been noting but beautiful, kind, loving and soft hearted.  She has the sweetest personality.  She loves to be held like a little dog.  She listens to instructions.  She loves loves loves my husband.  I guess she knows who brought her home.

Looking back, my daughter walked Dixie enough times to recognize that she looked tough but was gentle.  Her pit bull face didn’t do much good for her, but I’m glad my daughter could see all the good in this pups face.  One day a neighbor of mine did say to me that pit bull’s are dangerous.  I kindly replied  not pit bulls, but us.  Over the years, he has come to recognize how good Dixie is.

Dixie  has a loving soul.  She  followed Sir Thomas all around.  He did not mind her.  When he got tired of her, he would huff, and she would go do her stuff.  Almost  every evening they had a special play time – pulling on a stuffed toy, barking at each other, nipping action with no nipping, tails up and wagging.  They were a steady companion to each other.

Dixie being Dixie! Thomas’ biggest fan.

I’m sure she misses Sir Thomas.  But she seems happy following my hubby around.  He is her true love!  As I end this article, I hear Dixie “Bella” follow my husband back and forth, in and out, and up and down as he works in the back yard.  Endless love 🙂

…thank you for visiting my blog…until next time:)  (Feels good to be back.)

Doggy Photo Shoot Day #55

My heart feels warm and I love you everyday. I miss your presence in this life. Sir Thomas I know you are happy in a much better place. I’m home in Covid-19 days and miss you more. You take care and I will do the same.

Everyone stay safe and healthy!

…thank you for visiting my blog…:)


Doggy Photo Shoot Day #51

Doggy Photo Shoot Day
“What are you doing, Sir Thomas?” I ask him as I watch him bend in all shapes. Squinting through his half-pressed eyes he tries to bring me into focus…”Try this,” he tells me, “It beats any yoga poses you plan on doing.” He knows I practice Body Flow to teach at a gym. He puts up with my continuous practice all the time. I suddenly become aware of his thoughts…he is now telling me, “Can you just let go and bend your body like me…and breath – in through your nose and out through your nose.” I now know what he is telling me – “JUST RELAX!”

…thank you for visiting my blog…until next time 🙂

Doggy Photo Shoot Day #50

Doggy Photo Shoot Day
Sir Thomas! I hear his soft whisper to me, “Just be. Just breath. Feel your breath rise and fall, and just stay with it. Don’t even think about anything, just follow the rhythm of your breath. Go inward and just be.” I followed his advice, sat down beside him quietly, and focused on feeling where my breath was in my body. Thank you Sir Thomas for quieting me down…

…thank you for visiting my blog…until next time:)

Doggy Photo Shoot Day #47

Doggy Photo Shoot Day
Someone is making sense of the fluffy white stuff… He loves the cold weather. And, I’m sensing his thoughts as we continue our walk, “I don’t anticipate a problem here, do you hear me?” Sir Thomas is insisting I hear him. So, I pay attention. He continues, “…As long as I can smell through this stuff and make this space mine, I’m going to love it!” I smiled with him…His happiness is mine! “Happy holidays and be happy every day” … Sir Thomas

…thank you for visiting my blog…until next time 🙂

Doggy Photo Shoot Day #42

Doggy Photo Shoot Day
“Hello there.” “What’s up?” “Are you stopping to take a picture of me?” “You are so very sweet…I know you do that because you love me.” “Go ahead take one now.” Sir Thomas knew exactly what I was thinking at that moment! That’s so amazing!

…thank you for visiting my blog…until next time:)