Doggy Photo Shoot Day #30

“I’m a big follower of Sir Thomas.  I know you know him already. He has taught me how to be a beagle. My family keeps insisting that I’m a pit bull. What do they know? I do love my family though.” (Dixie’s thoughts)

Monochromatic – A photo challenge

imageIn response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Monochromatic.”

I walk with one of my two dogs, Thomas, my beagle, everyday.  I am amazed by what I see  during these walks.  I see so much beauty, it intoxicates me.  I’m addicted.  I try to capture what I see.  I walk the same path, but the path does not offer me the same.  Each day is a “glass full” experience for me.  

…thank you for visiting my blog…love my blogger friends for supporting my stuff:)…see you soon!