Double and Rotation: Fish in the Double!

Double and Rotation
They are, as a matter of fact, twins. One just has a longer tail to show!


Double and Rotation
Gone 180 degrees! Upside down too.

Photo 101, day 19

…thank you for visiting my blog…until next time:)

Moment & Motion: I almost missed it!

Moment and Motion
I just happened to walk into this moment. Camera in my hand to photograph flowers outside. Saw Dixie, our pit bull, in this big tub. My daughter went to hug Dixie, and Dixie made this giant leap out…and I instantly clicked my camera knowing I won’t get anything. But, surprisingly, this is what I caught!

Photo 101, day 13

…thank you for visiting my blog…until next time:)

Connect: A Beautiful Thing!

So many points to connect! And, so many points to dis-connect.


Thanks to the Mexican Walls of House of Women, San Francisco.  I took this photo while in San Francisco last year.  I made a connection that day.  Photo 101, day 6.

…thank you for visiting my blog…until next time 🙂