Corner – Navigating Myself!

Weekly Photo Challege
“Hmm! Corners make my navigation a lot more challenging,” Sir Thomas is figuring out something – “I NEED to get to that scrap of bread he just dropped…don’t you try to help (he is telling me, his mom)…because you can’t even see that bread from where you are sitting, taking my picture.” “And, another thing – Do you really need to take so many of my pictures?” I tell him softly that I’ll never stop! He seem to ignore me at this moment. That piece of bread has his full attention! And, his focus being narrowed to make his way through the corners and angles of the bench. Go for it, Sir Thomas, I say to him!


…thank you for visiting my blog…until next time:)

Doggy Photo Shoot Day #45

Doggy Photo Shoot Day
“Sir Thomas, wake up Boy,” His mom (that’s me) says. Then I leave him alone… Why bug him… Wouldn’t you like to go where he is at this moment? I’d like to… for sure!

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Doggy Photo Shoot Day #42

Doggy Photo Shoot Day
“Hello there.” “What’s up?” “Are you stopping to take a picture of me?” “You are so very sweet…I know you do that because you love me.” “Go ahead take one now.” Sir Thomas knew exactly what I was thinking at that moment! That’s so amazing!

…thank you for visiting my blog…until next time:)

Doggy Photo Shoot Day #41

Sir Thomas
“I’m thinking what to do here…I know I can’t eat it…and I have figured out that I can’t play with it…shucks! there’s only one thing I can do here…keep calm and pee on it before walking away,” Sir Thomas in the process of making the best choice ๐Ÿ™‚

Partners: Through and Through!

At the animal shelter… this partnership involves love, through and through. This shelter dog seem to know that, today, it’s his turn to get love from this dog-walker, who happens to be my daughter. He, too, has so much love to give. My daughter gets endless love from the shelter dogs. The partnership keeps solidifying.


…thank you for visiting my blog…until next time ๐Ÿ™‚